Let’s help protect each other on GRF Trust property

Orange County no longer requires people to wear face coverings in public, but “strongly recommends” them to help curb the spread of the coronavirus as more businesses reopen under new state guidelines.
The change to the county’s mask order came after weeks of public criticism and the resignation of the county health officer, Dr. Nichole Quick, last week.
Dr. Clayton Chau , Orange County Health Care Agency director, is now serving as health officer. He believes wearing cloth masks helps slow the spread of the virus, but the county wanted to be consistent with state guidelines, which don’t mandate face coverings, he said. Nonetheless he strongly recommends that people wear masks.
LW residents, in particular, are a vulnerable community as adults 65 years and older are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. That means keeping your distance from others, washing your hands frequently and covering your mouth and nose with a cloth mask when around others, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
Health officials agree that face coverings are an integral tool in the fight against COVID-19—as they can block transmission of the respiratory droplets released by asymptomatic people when breathing or talking.
LW residents should wear masks in public places where they will encounter other people. Because it’s possible to have coronavirus without showing symptoms, it is best to wear masks even if you think you are healthy. If you have COVID-19 and are not showing symptoms, a face mask reduces your chance of spreading the infection to others. If you are healthy, a mask may protect you from larger droplets from people around you.
Some areas have relaxed mask requirements but in Leisure World, masks are strongly recommended and required when on GRF Trust property. There have been maskgiveaways (above), two of them sponsored by the Golden Age Foundation, represented by Anna Derby (right) to help every LWer stay safe in this vulnerable community. The CDC has specified that cloth face coverings should be used, rather than surgical masks and N95s, which must be reserved for health care workers.
Luckily, cloth masks are relatively easy to come by in Leisure World, thanks to your friends and neighbors, who have made and distributed thousands of face coverings since the COVID-19 crisis took hold in mid-March.
In the latest giveaway on June 12, the Golden Age Foundation handed out 800 masks. The LW Sewing Brigade, a group of 110 volunteers, has distributed more than 20,000 all over the world. Both groups have given masks to mutual directors for distribution to their residents. So if you do not have a mask, protect yourself today by calling your mutual director.