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Holy Family Catholic Church

by Juan Caboboy


Everyone will need to observe the guidelines on social distancing while attending Mass in person. Bishop Kevin Vann extends a dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation until such time as it is deemed safe to have large gatherings at Mass.

There will be a limited number of parishioners allowed in the church at each Mass and the maximum number of attendees is 100. The schedule is the same for weekday and weekend masses ( www. For the safety of everyone who comes to church we need to observe the following:

• Followstrictguidelinesforsocialdistancingandsanitization.

• Those with underlying health conditions are encouraged to consider not returning to Mass yet.

• Anyone showing symptoms of illness, or anyone who has a household member who is sick or showing symptoms of illness, should not come to church.

• Thechurchwillbesanitized/cleanedaftereachservice. Holy water fonts will remain empty.

• All local safety orders specifically relating to proper face coverings or masks will be followed.

• Parishioners will be instructed to not engage in any physical touch, such as greeting one another. The sign of peace at mass will be suspended.

• Ushers will lead you to your seats when you come in at the front door. I encourage one household to sit together in the front pews.

• During Holy Communion, you need to remove your face mask and observe the six-foot distance to the person in front of you in the line. The usher will give you a sign when to come to the center aisle to join the line for Holy Communion.

• The ushers will have the offertory baskets at the door as you exit after mass and you can pick up a copy of the parish bulletin at the door. We will be using side doors near the altar for exists at the end of the mass.

When the church is vacated, people who are interested can help the ushers in wiping or sanitizing the pews.

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