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GRF Board Agenda

GRF Board of Directors Agenda Clubhouse 4 Tuesday, June 23, 10 a.m.

via live stream To view the live GRF Board meeting:

• Go to

• Click on the Live GRF Board meeting tab.

• The tab will be active at 9:45am on the day of the meeting

• The live streaming uses YouTube live and terminates at the close of the meeting 1) Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2) Roll Call 3) President’s Comments a) Announcements 4) Seal Beach City Council Member’s Update 5) Health Care Advisory Board Update 6) Shareholder/Member Comments a) Written, submitted prior to meeting b) Verbal, via live streaming Note: Foundation Shareholder/Members are permitted to make comments before the meeting business of the Board begins. The Open Meeting Act allows boards of directors to establish reasonable time limits for the open forum and for speakers to address the board. (Civ. Code §4925(b).) Time limits, per speaker, are limited to:

• 4-minute limit per speaker, when there are no more than 15 speakers

• 3-minute limit per speaker, 16 - 25 speakers

• 2-minute limit per speaker, over 26 speakers 7) ConsentCalendar a) GRF Board of Directors Minutes, June 9, 2020 (Special meeting) b) Accept Month of May 31, 2020 Financial Statements for Audit c) Approve Reserve Funds Investment Purchase d) Approve Capital Funds Investment Purchase 8) New Business a) General i) Opening of Outdoor Facilities, Under Required COVID- 19 Guidelines b) Finance Committee i) Approve Distribution of Excess 2019 Operating Funds 9) Board Member Comments 10) Next Meeting/Adjournment Next regular GRF Board of Directors meeting Tuesday, July 28, 10 a.m., Clubhouse 4

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