GAF handed out 800 masks in its second LW mask give away

In response to seeing a need for masks throughout the community, the Golden Age Foundation (GAF) hosted its second mask giveaway on June 12 in Veteran’s Plaza. The event drew out many people, causing the line to snake around the Clubhouse 3 building at one point, with everyone standing six feet apart. The group ended up giving away 800 masks to the community. Another 650 masks were distributed during its first giveaway on May 15.
Shareholders who attended the event were asked to cover their mouths with a scarf or handkerchief if they didn’t already have a mask. Each shareholder received one mask.
Inside the plastic bag that contained the mask were instructions to wash the mask before using. It said that shareholders can put a filter in the mask such as a coffee filter, paper towel, or napkin for added protection.
It is important to wash the mask (without the filter) daily. Those who don’t have a washing machine can put it in a ziplock baggie, fill it with hot water and soap and shake by hand. Let the mask soak in a bag for five minutes. Rinse with hot water and hang to dry.
GAF wants to thank the 50-plus volunteers who made this event possible. The sewers, fabric and elastic cutters, and runners for coming together to make a total 4,000 handmade washable face masks for fellow neighbors over the past few months. And thanks to cocoordinators Diana Harrison of Mutual 5 and Anna Derby from the Golden Age Foundation who have overseen this project since April 30.
The group would also like to thank a Mutual 1 shareholder, who would like to remain anonymous, for contributing close to 2,000 face masks made by her friends. The group of volunteers was from Phat To Temple (Gotta Temple) in Long Beach who sewed all those masks to give away. Her donation will be shared with Mutual boards so all directors can deliver them to home bound shareholders who can’t stand in line .
Thanks to the Golden Age Foundation board who participated in distribution on May 15 and June 12 to hand out over 1,500 face masks.
For more information, contact Anna Derby at (562) 301-5339.
The Golden Age Foundation is nonprofit, charitable organization dedicated to serving the
special needs of Seal Beach Leisure World shareholders. Its purpose is to make the community a better and happier place in which to live.
Because the Golden Age Foundation has been certified as a nonprofit organization by the Internal Revenue Service, contributions made to it qualify for exemption from income taxes, in most cases.
Lillian Kennedy (r) helped direct shareholders in line and make sure everyone was adhering to social distancing.
Lillian Kennedy (l-r), Eloy Gomez, Anna Derby, John Morris and Beth Greely worked to make the giveaway a success.
Security attended the event to make sure everyone stayed 6-feet apart as the line wrapped around Clubhouse 3.