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Facilities are reopening step by step


The GRF Board of Directors has approved the reopening of some of the outdoor facilities, under the required COVID-19 guidelines. The Golf course and the putting green are now open as are Veterans Plaza, by reservation only, for qualifying exercise clubs.

Mission Park, which includes pickleball/multipurpose courts, is scheduled to reopen in two stages, at dates to be determined.

All participants on all venues will be required to wear masks, and in some cases gloves, as well as maintain social distancing.

Recreation has coordinated with custodial contractor ICS to clean all touch surfaces at 20- to 30-minute intervals (depending on the venue). While some restrictions may seem cumbersome, GRF’s priority will always be the safety of its members.

Golf Course Protocol Changes You Need to Know

The Golf Course opened on May 26 under strict guidelines. Parts of the protocol have been adjusted after observation during the first weeks of play ( areas in bold print reflect those changes).

• All rounds will be booked through the Golf Starter by email only.

The hours of play will be from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

•Golfers are no longer limited to playing once a week, providing there is space available. Email requests will always take precedence; however, golfers may call on the day of play to see if any openings are still available. Walk-ups may be permitted at the sole discretion of the starter under the same condition.

• A round is nine holes. At the discretion of the Starter, a second round during a tee time may be allowed if the schedule permits.

• No tournament play will be allowed at this time.

•In order to simplify requesting a tee time, the Recreation Department has created a special form and web address. Book tee times at

The email address is and must be received by 4 p.m. the day prior to play

• All tee times for Saturday, Sunday and Monday must be emailed by 4 p.m. on Fridays.

• Only rounds of one or up to three golfers will be permitted and the names of all golfers must be submitted at the time of booking with Mutual and apartment number.

• Golfers must state three tee times, in order of preference, in case their first choice is not available

• Golfers may not arrive sooner than 10 minutes before their tee times and all tee times will be spread 15 minutes apart.

• Masks and six-foot distancing will always be required.

• No gathering will be permitted before or after rounds have been played.

• No Golfer may touch any other Golfer’s equipment including golf balls.

• The Starter Shack will be closed to all gatherings and will only be available for restroom use.

• The Starter can only be addressed through the protective window area.

• The putting green area will also be open with all required restrictions.

The hitting cage remains closed.

• The Golf Starter will have the final say in all matters.

• The following are additional restrictions on the course: -No score cards will be provided.

-No posting of scores.

-Ball washers will be removed from the court.

-Shoe cleaning station will be off limits due to touch surfaces.

-Flag sticks to remain in the hole and a suitable method to fill the cups so that golf balls are readily accessible.

-No food or beverage services are allowed.

-Patio chairs and benches will be removed to prevent gathering of groups and to maintain social distancing.

Veterans Plaza

The Recreation Department has begun reserving Veterans Plaza for certain dance and exercise clubs, in good standing, where physical contact is not involved. Clubs may book the space, now sporting shade cover, for 1-½ hour sessions, once a week. Group sizes may have to be reduced to meet the social distancing guidelines.

• All classes will be booked through the Reservations Office in the Recreation Department by emailing

•No unscheduled event will be allowed at any time.

• Masks and six-foot distancing will always be required.

• All classes are self-managed and must provide their own equipment.

• No tables or chairs can be provided.

Mission Park Pickleball – Reopening date to be determined

• The pickleball court will be open, and play must be booked through the Recreation Department by email only. No unscheduled games will be allowed. Email Monday-Friday before 4 p.m.

• Pickleball games are limited to one hour of play per group (four players per court).

• Pickleball players must provide their own paddles, and gloves must be worn when handling the ball.

• Masks and six-foot distancing will always be required.

• No gathering will be permitted before or after games.

Bocce Ball– Reopening date to be determined

•Bocce ball will be open, and play must be booked through the Recreation Department by email. No unscheduled games will be allowed.

• Bocce ball players must provide gloves and they must always be worn when handling the balls.

• Masks and six-foot distancing will always be required.

• No gathering will be permitted before or after games.

• Only four players per onehour session; no spectators are permitted

• Chairs and benches will be removed from the park RV Lot

• RV Lot office be open for service Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m.-noon.

• Masks are required in the office, and only one lessee is permitted at a time.

The Golden Rain Foundation is working to open facilities as soon as possible and still meet all local and state guidelines.

For more information, email —Kathy Thayer, assistant recreation manager

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