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Community Church

By Johan Dodge


For most of my childhood, I worshipped at a First United Methodist Church of Long Beach. In this church we had a diverse community of people, many of whom were adopted from Nigeria by a family. This couple had served as missionaries in Nigeria and had brought children over to be educated here so that they might return to Nigeria and improve the state of the country there. In addition to these lovely people we had a community of Hmong people in the church.

Since becoming a parent myself, I strive to give my children the opportunity to embrace the diversity of God’s “very good creation” and developed three words as our family values: “Listening, Learning and Loving.”

In the midst of the unrest that is all around us, I humbly suggest these values for your consideration. Listening is a spiritual practice that is difficult, but can also bring immense peace to our hearts. When we are able to truly listen, we are able to appreciate where someone else is coming from, especially when their experience is so different from our own. All of us, as diverse as we are, have been created in the image of God. When we listen and learn without fear, we become one with God and resemble God’s love in the world. If you are feeling like there should be more love in the world right now, maybe it’s time to do some more listening. Listening, learning and loving is a process that repeats itself throughout our entire lives.

The work of the church is currently taking place in our homes. Even though the building is closed, the church has only become closer and more active. If you are in need without another way to address that need, you may call the church office to leave me a message at (562) 431-2503.

Worship is on Sunday morning at 9:50 on Facebook live, @ communitychurchleisureworld. Those who don’t have a computer or Facebook can call in to the phone system at (562) 431-2503 and listen to the weekly message beginning Sunday evening.

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