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City revisits water rate hikes amid costly infrastructure failures

City revisits water rate hikes amid costly infrastructure failures

SEAL BEACH CITY COUNCIL by Emma DiMaggio Communications Manager On Monday, March 10, the Seal Beach City Council renewed its discussion of the city’s aging water and sewer infrastructure. Though the council did not discuss specific rate increases, city staff emphasized the costs associated with recent system failures, deteriorating infrastructure and the fact that the city is not fulfilling


Seal Beach crime went up 10% in 2024

Seal Beach crime went up 10% in 2024

PUBLIC SAFETY by Emma DiMaggio Communications Manager Crime in Seal Beach increased by 10% in 2024, with 130 more reportable offenses than the previous year. While reports of crime and calls for service were up, the number of 911 calls decreased by 26%. “While crime trends fluctuate, our mission remains the same—to protect our community through proactive policing, thorough investigations,



Upgraded intersection will feature protected left turns

Upgraded intersection will feature protected left turns

TRAFFIC SAFETY The traffic light at St. Andrews Drive and Golden Rain Road will be intermittently out of service due to construction at the intersection. Stop signs on A-frame barricades have been installed to control traffic when the light is not working. Soon, crews will begin digging footings for the second left turn signal. These footings will serve as the foundation to support the


Radio Training

Radio Training

A Family Radio Services class will be held Wednesday, March 20, at 1 p.m. in the Clubhouse 3 Learning Center. The class, taught by Marty Williams, is designed to teach people the basics of family radio communications. Individuals will learn how to contact family members or others via radio, or jump into action during an emergency. People should bring their own radios if they have them. Those



Learn more about the Naval  Weapons Station on March 28

Learn more about the Naval Weapons Station on March 28

OPEN HOUSE EVENT Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station Executive Officer Cmdr. Jamie French will give a presenation to LWers on Friday, March 28, at 2 p.m. in Clubhouse 4, sponsored by the City of Seal Beach and the Golden Age Foundation. The purpose of the program is to learn about the work that is conducted at the Naval Weapons Station and how important it is for the nation’s security,


Taking up golf: ‘What do you have to lose?’

Taking up golf: ‘What do you have to lose?’

MEMBER COLUMN by Linda Herman LW contributor March 11 brought rain to the area resulting in the Women’s Golf Club’s weekly tournament being cancelled. I thought I’d take this opportunity to talk about the Women’s Golf Club. The club has been in existence since before my time. I’ve lived here 22 years. This is where I took up golf. I had never golfed before. A friend gave
